Tutorial of visual basic

Visual Basic is one of the most widely used programming languages ​​because susimplicidad, mixed with large potential for development in entornosgráficos.Este course aims to equip students with the necessary initial training pararealizar simple applications in Visual Basic.
The course is aimed at those persons who have basic knowledge of programming in any language, want to learn the specifics deVisual Basic.


Visual Basic is a programming language called "visual" part of laprogramación as is done with him is based on the use of visual elements. The word "Visual" refers to the method used to create graphical user interface. Enlugar to write many lines of code to describe the appearance and location of loselementos interface, we can simply add prefabricated objects in place within the screen, which saves a lot of programming time and in excess of conventional programming elconcepto about programa.Profundizaremos sequential structure in these concepts as we move forward in the development of language curso.Tradicionalmente Basic (Beginners All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) language was haconsiderado as suitable for beginners in the world of programming, is sibien blames you do not have enough power to meet all expectations of advanced losprogramadores. True, but allows the creation of components ytrabajar with objects, other languages ​​have more power in the object oriented programming, but as we have advanced versions of Visual Basic, has increased suversatilidad. This course is intended as an introduction to programming in Visual Basic, queposteriormente can be implemented with other advanced courses in the sense of deepening the concept of programming. The versatility that comes from the fact alluded deque once completed this course have a sufficient basis to address other aspects of current laprogramación. First, we could address the scheduling of VBA (Visual Basicpara Applications), allowing us to program code routines proporcionaránmayor us power and functionality of our office applications, eg for losprogramas of Microsoft Office: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access ... macros that can be programmed in these programs are written in VBA, which is based on Visual Basic unlenguaje, ie once known this, learn VBA is entener into account the specifications made on the Visual Basic and know, the IDEAA convey is not to learn anything new from the beginning, but with pocoesfuerzo quickly we can begin to create our own macros.


Start --- Programs --- Microsoft Visual Basic --- You get the picture .... :)

When you load it will take a couple of minutes.When VB is finally loaded up, and you pick Standard Exe from the new project dialog, like: